Thursday, 25 December 2014


           Book lovers, if you need a book that could change the way you think of the world, then go for the Swiss master Erich Von Daniken’s ‘The Eyes Of The Sphinx’.
                It’s a sequel to his earlier work ‘Chariots Of Gods?’ that talks about the extraterrestrial contact in ancient Egypt. Of course it’s just a conspiracy theory. But it is the most acceptable and incredible unproven theory that I had come across in my life so far.

           The book mainly deals with the great pyramid of Giza and the impossibility of it being a manmade wonder. Citing many examples, Daniken had also criticized several Egyptologists of today for not permitting advanced scientific researches on the pyramids. They even let the world believe blindly that the builder of the great pyramid was Pharaoh Khufu, despite of the insufficient evidences.

            The most horrendous part about the book is, if the Egyptian connection with an alien race is true, then are we still not alone in this universe? If not so, then the consequences would be beyond an average mind’s imagination.
Will they again try to make contact with us? Or are they still having a link with someone somewhere in this planet like the Roswell theories. If answer to any of this question is positive, then there are only two possible futures for us: a utopia of technological advancements or total extinction!

              All details explained by Daniken awake us to think about such things. Apart from these the book also talks about a special and strange phenomenon called the pyramid effect that we ourselves could experiment safely.

             Daniken also recounts the chronicles of famous Greek and roman historians like Herodotus, Strabo and Pliny that are related to ancient Egypt. He was also able to extract the knowledge of a giant Egyptian labyrinth form their chronicles. the labyrinth is said to  be a splendor far greater than the great pyramid ,adjacent to an artificial lake of 600km diameter. Yet no such huge sites have been discovered so far. Where did this mammoth labyrinth and lake disappear into?

            The complexities for constructing the great pyramid within the established factor limits are also explained in this book which actually seems quite genuine. Then how can the world generally believe that the great pyramid is man made wonder?

             Seriously friends, just for a few dollars, you could change your outlook on the general history of humanity. Even the strongest haters of Egyptology would start to prefer the topic once they complete this book. And you are bound to become a Daniken fan just like me!


Source Of Knowledge: THE EYES OF SPHINX (1996)

Author: ERICH VON DANIKEN (Switzerland)

                   Have anyone of you ever thought of this before: after completing the construction of the great pyramid at Giza, the Egyptians needed light to design and make interior chambers and vaults for the pharaoh and his accessories. They need some light in that pitch darkness. So what, some kind of an oil lamp. The thing is, experts have never been able to locate even a slightest trace of soot or burned ash in that pyramid. Now what? Electricity??!

              To all those who think I might be joking, look thoroughly at the following image. It’s the photograph of a wall inscription at Dendera, Egypt, insider a subaltern chamber of goddess Hathor’s temple. The temple itself is no grand sight. This wall etching makes it world famous.

It depicts an Egyptian common folk holding g a bulb shaped object in which a snake (filament) is crawling. The bulb shaped object and the snake ends in a lotus shaped structure (socket) from which a cable leads to a small box on top of which a cable leads to a small box on top of which the god of air is kneeling. A lamp like object with two forked hands support the filament (maybe an insulator).the insular shaped objects are called Djed pillar, a symbol for eternity in ancient Egypt.

Many ancient Greek chroniclers speak of the Egyptian reverence to these pillars tracing back its origin to their very gods. Surprisingly, these pillars have a very close resemblance to our modern day transformers.

Daniken’s books state that some advanced alien race, who made contact with the ancient Egypt, transferred the knowledge of electricity to the local floks. Out of fear and reverence, the alien electrical equipments later become religious symbols, parallel with aliens who became gods.

The picture alongside depicts pharaoh Amenhotep IV with his wife Nefertiti their three naked children all of them with deformed skulls (displayed at museum of Ica in Peru)
Was this a natural condition or was it induced. Some bizarre hieroglyphs talks of a custom in ancient Egypt where priests deformed the skulls of the pre-puberty children using brutal force. This was their way of making offerings to their hero-gods. Imitations-just like how we imitate the styles of our favorite film stars. Archeological excavations at Peru uncovered many such force fully deformed skulls.  

For any of my readers who frown upon such an idea of imitations let me tell you about a small story:
When a Russian, Maclay, arrived with his ship Vitiaz in Bonju, Papua New Guinea on 1871, the locals watched him skeptically. Once they saw him walking around at night with a lantern and from then on, they were convinced he was from the moon and he was the moon god. They worshiped him and gave him the name TAMO ANUT, still a god among some tribes in Papua.

Similar occurrences have been reported from many parts of the world, especially from Oceania. Some of them also imitated our technologies like make stone models of ships, boats and small aircrafts that were previously unknown to them. They considered us superhuman simply because we were beyond their comprehensions.

If the humans of the 19th and the 20th century could do such silly imitations, that what about the Egyptians who lived more than 4000 years ago? They could easily believe that the technically advanced alien race was beyond their comprehension and so they must be the gods.

So, were they actually imitating a superior alien race in many aspects .if no, then my article and Daniken’s books are waste of time. But, if yes, then think of its consequences. It will redefine our past, present and alter our future. Hollywood nightmares like ‘Predator’ or ‘2011: Battle Los Angels’ could become reality.

The questions is: are we all alone in this universe???

Wednesday, 24 December 2014


Source Of Knowledge: THE EYES OF SPHINX (1996)
Author: ERICH VON DANIKEN (Switzerland)

Unlike the knowledge of the pyramid effect which I gained only after reading Daniken’s book, the question about its construction had arisen in me when I first heard about the pyramid in detail. What more, all my doubts were only enhanced by Daniken’s theories. The complexities, then, turned into absurdities!

Yes! The theory that ordinary humans created the great pyramid is (almost) an absurd idea!!!

Let’s begin from its supposed builder pharaoh Khufu of Egypt’s first dynasty. He had ruled over Egypt for 23 years. According to Herodotus and Strabo the pyramid was completed in about 20 years time with around 1,00,000 workers laboring together.
Today’s experts estimate that the pyramid consists of around 24 and a half million stone blocks, some weighing up to 40 tons. If the pyramid was completed in 20 years then 1,25,000 stones would have to be placed in position every year. That would leave us with 417 blocks every day. Let us assume that workers labored for at least 12 hours per day. That makes it 34 blocks per hour. Mathematics takes us to an impossibility that every 2 minutes, a stone block weighing many tons would have to be kept in its right position.

But we are now only talking about completely finished stone blocks. We unfortunately don’t get completely perfect stone blocks from nature. It would have to be chiseled out of somewhere, shaped and then finally transported to the site. How the hell do you think could a stone block (let’s say I ton) be chiseled out of mountain, transported for many miles, then be placed in a climbing pyramid with every two minutes for 20 years. If they could do that, then our skyscraper junks are just ‘Lego blocks’.

The next and the most important argument is about the authenticity of great pyramid’s builder. Most believe that it was commissioned by Pharaoh Khufu in the 3rd millennium BCE. The thing is, nowhere inside or outside the pyramid is an inscription or a hieroglyph or just a scribbling that tells us that Khufu is its builder. All the pyramids that came before and after the great pyramid glorifies about its builder somewhere inside it. Then why was the most magnificent of them all not adorned with its builder’s name. Do you know how many statues or hieroglyphic inscriptions of this great pyramid builder has been discovered too far?-just one tiny 5 CMS statue!!!

The complexity of building such a feat within 20 years is not yet over. Have you ever thought how the ancient Egyptians could haul 401 tons-40,000kgs of stone one above the other in precise position (that too in just 2 minutes)???Even modern engineering feats would find this task impossible. Now, how the hell did those people get enough woods in the middle of a giant desert for construction and transportation purposes? That would have to be shipped from far off countries like Lebanon which would in turn create an immense monetary depletion from Egypt’s treasury.

Now the most important complexity of them all - feeding the workers!
Greek historians claim that almost 1,00,000 workers labored for 20 years to complete the pyramid. In these days onion and radish were the food trends of Egypt. Let’s say one worker ate 100gms of radishes every day or for all the workers 10,000kgs of radishes were required every day. How could a desert kingdom cultivate such humongous quantities of crops and vegetables per day, not to think of other vegetables and clean drinking water? Assuming that Khufu used all these workers as slaves and did not feed them properly, how they hell will they work continuously for 20 years.

Despite of all these, there are many other impossibilities and geometrical complexities for constructing such a wonder, and think of it standing tall and untouched for all these past 4000 years. Another world wonder Taj Mahal –around 400 years old had already began to loose its luster.

So the multi-million dollar question is: Is the great pyramid a man made wonder? Or something extraterrestrial? Or, were the Egyptians capable of things that are only science fiction for us?

Answer:”Nothing is harder to believe than the reality itself!”